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Should Children of the Opposite Sex Share a Bedroom?

By: Rachel Newcombe - Updated: 8 Mar 2021 | comments*Discuss
Bedrooms Children Sharing Share Law


Is there a law about opposite sex children sharing the same room?

My ex has my daughter every other weekend and his new girlfriend has two boys aged 8 and 10. He is now taking my daughter there and she is 7 in October, but they are all sleeping in the same bedroom.

(Miss S L, 24 September 2008)


There’s no law in existence which governs children of different sexes sharing rooms in privately owned homes. It’s up to the home owners/parents to sort out bedrooms and sleeping areas and make sure all children are well catered for in terms of sleeping arrangements. Many Children Share Bedrooms with their siblings and step- brothers and sisters and don’t experience any problems (bar the occasional fall-out, as is normal with children!). If there was a law in place, it could be very difficult for people who are unable to buy a bigger home due to lack of money.

However, if the house is rented and owned by a housing association, sometimes they do have rules and regulations in place concerned with how many children, and which sex of children, can sleep in any one bedroom. For example, they may state that after the age of 10, different sexes of siblings shouldn’t share a room. If this applies in this instance, then it would be best to contact the relevant housing association for information and to discuss the circumstances. Be aware, however, that overcrowding may be allowed if the room is naturally big, or if it occurs simply because children get older, and reach that ten-year-old threshold.

If you’re still really concerned about the sleeping situation when your daughter stays with your ex and his girlfriend, then perhaps it may be a good idea to speak to them about it. It’s also important to consider what your daughter feels about the sleeping arrangements and whether she gets on okay with the two boys. As a rule of thumb, if your daughter - and the boys - honestly feel there is no problem, then there probably isn't. But if you want your daughter to continue staying there on alternate weekends, you have to consider what will happen when the children get a bit older.

It’s certainly true that when children reach a certain age and enter puberty, they may feel happier having more privacy and sleeping elsewhere. This would be especially so if your daughter felt uncomfortable being in the room with two older boys, especially if she doesn’t know them that well and they’re not blood relatives. Perhaps there may be another room in the house where she could have a put-up bed or sofa bed, instead of sharing with the two boys?

However, if she’s only staying for short periods of time – e.g. one or two nights – and is comfortable with the situation, then it’s up to you and your ex’s discretion to sort out the sleeping arrangements.

The main thing is that everyone involved is happy with it, so do try to have a chat with your ex and your daughter. At age seven, there is every chance that your daughter sees the sleeping arrangement as a kind of sleepover party, and has no qualms about sharing. That, of course, could change as she - and the boys - mature.

If space is an issue, there is also the possibility that eventually you could try to divide up the room when she is there, either with a curtain or some other sort of make-shift partition. You might also want to have a heart-t-heat chat with your ex and express your concern. You are certainly within your rights to say that eventually this type of sleeping arrangement will no longer be feasible, and that it's time he starts to think about what can be done in the not too far off future.

It might be that your ex has to start thinking about moving to a bigger property, if he wants to have your daughter continue staying there overnight. Worst-case scenario: when she gets a bit older she only stays there during the day, and goes home to you to spend the night. Browse our feature on the pros, cons and practicalities of sharing a bedroom here.

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is it illegal for my 17 year old son sleep in the same room as his 12 year old brother
Martie - 8-Mar-21 @ 6:26 PM
So I am staying with my friend for the whole quarantine thing since I was already over there when it began and she has her kids share rooms the two youngest girls stay in one room ages 6 and 8 and that is just fine but I am wondering about the oldest three the boys of the age of 10 and 13 share a room with a girl age 20 is that normal? I know my old neighbour had her eldest children share a bed ages 15 but they were twins one boy one girl.
Danny - 22-Apr-20 @ 10:14 AM
My ex has kids every other weekend and lets our boy (12.5) and girl (10.5) sleep in the same bed. I have asked him not to do that and find an alternative solution (ie buy a camp bed, etc). He says when the kids are with him it is up to him to decide what happens with them. I am really concerned as recently our boy had a circumcision...what can I do?
KL - 31-Mar-20 @ 4:52 PM
Hi I have a 6 year old daughter and a 9 month old son but I live in a 2 bed privet flat should I be aloud to move into a 3 bed council house just I don’t like the idea of a growing girl sharing a room with her baby brother ?
Angel - 11-Jan-20 @ 4:33 AM
Is it legal for a 16-year old girl to be told she has to share a holiday hotel bedroom with the 15-year old son of his new wife, to save them money?
sarnie - 8-Jul-19 @ 9:16 AM
My new neighbour has a daughter of 16 who shares a bedroom with her brother who is 12,I'm sure that this is at least immoral,if not illegal,the parents don't seem too worried,however Aimee the girl is now being bullied at her high school,as understandably her class mates are using the Lannisters in GOT to torment her,I feel so sorry for them,since their parents seem so oblivious due to the mother Nanette being a alcoholic.,any advice would be appreciated
carrie - 9-Jun-19 @ 11:29 PM
How old should boys and girls share a room
AJ - 6-May-19 @ 8:21 PM
I've a 10 year old and 13 years old boy and girl sharing a room. It's quite small me and husband share the other room, we try exchanges but we don't have a garden only outside courtyard, so no one wants in the town I live in we, need a 3 bedroom, I can't rent both work but still couldn't afford £850 a month plus both in an Iva bad credit and no guarantor, I've been bidding on council site since 2013 August band C band A is priority no joy I bid but nothing. I messaged to say room is small to my housing association but they just say unless your being evicted they class you as priority we don't know what else to do don't want to start decorating the home we're in now which been jn for 6 years this year as want to move it don't feel like home anyway and if we get moved it'd be a waste of money so in a no win situation. I can't stay here for another 5 years they'd be 15&18 by then.
Nat - 5-May-19 @ 9:04 AM
We have 3 bedrooms and our 2 children share a bedroom. My daughter is 11 and my son is 6 recently I haven't seen any problem with this, none of my children complained but people told me if they're the opposite gender, they shouldn't be sleeping in the same bedroom and that it may be illegal?
Evelin - 20-Apr-19 @ 7:35 AM
Is it wrong my 3 year old son shares a bedroom with my ex partners friend who is 45 years old..... My son told me the other day sometimes he sleeps in Pete's bed.. My ex is always out she is hardly ever at home so her friend is always looking after my son... I don't no what to do.....
Db - 15-Mar-19 @ 2:58 PM
Hi, I currently live in a 2 bedroom council flat with my two children. My daughter is 5 and my son is 10. I have been to the council and they have given me band C as they cannot share a bedroom anymore but as we are housed they don't feel an urgent need to move us. However being in band c, whenever I bid on a property I am in the 200s on the list. I cannot see us ever moving to a 3 bedroom at this rate. I would go private but I simply cannot afford it. Can you give any advice on what I should do please? My son desperately needs his own bedroom and has recently spoken about killing himself. The school are aware he feels this way and are working together to help him. I've been told to go to the council and have a go until they put me in a higher band. Would this work? Is there any other way I could go about it? Any advice would be great. Thanks in advance
Emily - 22-Feb-19 @ 10:23 AM
Have 2 children sharing same room ages 12-16 boy and girl I’m in 2 bedroom rented flat is this illegal? I’ve been waiting for house for years now still waiting
Pman - 10-Jan-19 @ 9:19 PM
My aunt has 5 children. 3 girls aging 15,11,10 and boys 17 and 16. She only has a two bedroom house. Is it legal for the three girls to be sleeping on the floor in the living room with no bed(s). And the boys share a bedroom and bed.
Sam - 9-Nov-18 @ 10:10 PM
Im going back in forth.. My 13 year old daughter and 10 year old son have their own room. But that is changing, my 7 year old step daughter is moving in and my daughter does not want to share a room with her because shehas behavior and bad attitude problems. My 13 year old would rather share a room with her brother instead.
Hannah - 24-Sep-18 @ 5:42 PM
I currently live in a 1st floor 2 bedroom flat, my daughter 5 and my son 2. They both share the biggest bedroom but still not alot of room for drawers ect or to play,so they only have toy buckets in there room . My room I can bearly swing a cat in, and have a gap of 20cm from my bed to furniture to get between and constantly tidying up as I've no space. My daughter now in year 1 and my son a little terror for waking my daughter up or getting up at all random hours of the night. Which she starting to be tired for school now so his now in with me,would I be able to apply for a 3 bedroom
Mell - 12-Sep-18 @ 3:30 PM
Hi there I've 2 kids the age 12 and 16 they share a room and my kids have disability am finding it so hard to get other house with more rooms and wet room or just a shower
Lanay - 20-Aug-18 @ 4:07 PM
My daughter has four children three boys aged 10 7 and 2 and a girl 6 they are being evicted and council are putting them in 1room shared hostel is this aloud
Nanny - 21-Jul-18 @ 2:22 PM
My son n his pregnant girlfriend ate in temp’ accommodation as lost their home, they and his girlfriend 10 year old daughter share one room trying to get rehoused
Bella - 7-Jul-18 @ 11:02 PM
My son who is 16, 17 in September, has the box room. My brother who went through a divorce 10 years ago and came to stay for a short while, is still here and has been sharing my sons bedroom. It has become a very awkward situation now as my son has gone through puberty and is desperate for his own space. Is this illegal that my brother is sharing a box room with my teenage son and how can I help him to get a place of his own. He is working.
Alex - 25-Jun-18 @ 11:34 AM
@Benji007 - I think the council would tell you to move your two sons into the same bedroom and give your daughter the box room :(
Gab87 - 12-Jun-18 @ 2:03 PM
I live in a 3 bedroom council house my 16 year old son has the small box room. My 15 year old daughter shares the big room with my 6year old son who has epilepsy. It is now causing problems. I'm not shore wot to do. All advice welcome thanks
Benji007 - 11-Jun-18 @ 11:46 PM
Blessed with both - Your Question:
My ex partner and I have been split up for 5 years now, he has a new girlfriend who has two children herself both girls at the age of 7 and 18 month. I have a daughter at 9 and a son at 6. I have concerns as the oldest 3 share a bedroom, the two girls share a bed and my son has to sleep in the floor! I'm not happy with this and I've tried to have conversations with my ex about the arrangement, I have bought my son a blow up bed for him to sleep in there but his dad refuses to put it up and now my daughter who is nearly 10 is saying she is starting to feel uncomfortable in sharing a bed with my ex partners daughter. I need help where do I stand. can I stop them from sleeping there? Please help.

Our Response:
If you cannot agree between yourselves, then mediation should be suggested as a way to try to solve this issue. Mediation is when two or more parties meet to resolve problems before the matter reaches court. It is most often used in family proceedings. It is a formal negotiation and courts can accept the agreement of the mediation instead of having to go through the court process, although it is subject to final court approval. Mediation takes place in front of a neutral third party. The mediator has no pre-conceptions and will not force you to make an agreement. They will assist the two parties in taking turns in the conversation, and help you reach a decision that you are ready to agree with. Mediators do not pass judgment or offer guidance; they are there, in effect, to facilitate conversation between the two sides.
SafeKids - 24-May-18 @ 12:03 PM
jenny - Your Question:
I living a council flat which a two bedroom. My son is 11 yrs old and my daughter is 9 yrs old coming to 10 in August and are sharing a room together. My other daughter which is 11 month is sleeping in are room in her cot and she will be 1 next month. I'm trying to get the council to move me to a bigger place and they don't care. Advise please

Our Response:
Have you through about trying to organise a council house swap? Please see link here, which may help you further.
SafeKids - 24-May-18 @ 11:52 AM
My ex partner and I have been split up for 5 years now, he has a new girlfriend who has two children herself both girls at the age of 7 and 18 month. I have a daughter at 9 and a son at 6. I have concerns as the oldest 3 share a bedroom, the two girls share a bed and my son has to sleep in the floor! I'm not happy with this and I've tried to have conversations with my ex about the arrangement, I have bought my son a blow up bed for him to sleep in there but his dad refuses to put it up and now my daughter who is nearly 10 is saying she is starting to feel uncomfortable in sharing a bed with my ex partners daughter... I need help where do I stand.. can I stop them from sleeping there? Please help.
Blessed with both - 23-May-18 @ 4:54 PM
I living a council flat which a two bedroom.My son is 11 yrs old and my daughter is 9 yrs old coming to 10 in August and are sharing a room together. My other daughter which is 11 month is sleeping in are room in her cot and she will be 1 next month.I'm trying to get the council to move me to a bigger place and they don't care. Advise please
jenny - 23-May-18 @ 4:35 PM
I have a daughter aged 15 and will be 16 at the end of the year and a son who will be turning 7 in a couple of months.My daughter has her own room which is a box room and two small to share or even fit a bunk bed in.My son currently is sleeping at the bottom of my bed in a cot bed he has had sine birth.I am entitled to a three bedroom and have been bidding and remained on the internal housing association transfer list. My son cries that he doesn't have any space in the house to call his own and unable to have a friend stay over.I feel this is stunting his personal and emotional development. What can I do?
jade - 23-May-18 @ 9:37 AM
@Kking - it's when the eldest child is aged 10. Both my kids are coming up to age 10 (twins) and I am going to have to think around where to put them in our three-bedroomed house. We have a toddler too and can't move as my husband recently lost his job. The toddler is going to keep my daughter awake in the middle of the night if they have to share. What a dilemma.
Chris - 10-May-18 @ 10:53 AM
Hi I have two children, a boy and a girl, I am aware they they are able to share until the age of 10. But is this when the eldest is 10 or the youngest?
Kking - 9-May-18 @ 11:59 AM
Hi I’m just wondering I have just had a baby boy and meand my partner are moving into a 3 bedroom he has 2 children 1 boy age 9 and 1 girl age 8 that stay with us once a week. Now I really want to set up a nursery for my baby boy but my partner thinks the boys should be in one room but they only stay once a week and they not even in the house they only sleep there and I think it’s a waste of a room. Do these rules still apply if they don’t live with us?
Janet - 23-Apr-18 @ 9:11 PM
I have to share a room with my step brothers and brother , i am 10,the oldest is 11, and the two youngest are 9 and 8 (my brother is the youngest) should I still share at this age?
Millz - 8-Apr-18 @ 5:19 PM
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