Around the Home...
Below are our articles on the subject of Around the Home. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Accident Hot Spots: Baby Under 24 Months
There is a direct correlation between a child's development and the nature of the accidents that occur at that stage. Between birth and 24 months, babies are extremely…...

Accident Hot Spots: Child aged 2 to 5
Now your toddler is able to move around unaided, they can get themselves in all sorts of scrapes before you've even had a chance to draw breath. Here are some safety…...

Accident Hot Spots: Child aged 5+
Falls and cuts still account for many accidents to children age five and upwards. Here are some important tips to keep your child safe when they are at play....

Aerosol Safety Issues With Kids
Examining the safety issues surrounding the use of aerosols and how to ensure they’re stored and used safely in the home....

Asthma in Children and Exposure to Dust
Recent studies indicate that exposure to dust actually helps children develop a resistance to asthma. Is your house too clean?...

Baby Walker Safety
Discover the facts about baby walkers and the safety issues concerned with their use....

Carbon Monoxide and Poisonous Fumes
Poisonous fumes and gases are dangerous because they are invisible. Find out where the dangers are in your home and how to keep your child safe....

Child Safety Around Hair Straighteners
The dangers posed by using hair straighteners at home, and how to protect children from accidental burns....

Children and Safety Around Construction Sites
Learn how you can keep your children safe around construction and building sites, including when you’re having building work done at home....

Choosing a Child or Baby Safety Gate
We a look at the types of safety gates on the market, from retractable stair gates to screw fitting ones, to help you decide which on is right for you, and what is the…...

Christmas Trees and Lights: Safety Issues
A look at the potential safety issues surrounding Christmas trees and lights and how to reduce the risk of hazards....

Falls in the Home and Garden
Falls in the home and garden accounted for nearly half of all home accidental injuries. What is the most common cause of falling and where are the fall hotspots?...

Keeping Children Safe at Parties at Home
Children's parties at home can be frenetic and stressful. Here are some tips that will help to keep the children safe and your sanity intact!...

Preventing Child Finger Door Trapping Accidents
Every year 30,000 children trap or crush their fingers in doors at home, school, nursery or shops. Find out how to prevent these finger accidents....

Preventing Electrical Accidents with Children
Electricity is a danger to children. RCDs can prevent accidents and should be fitted, plug guards should be used, and all electrical appliances kept out of reach....

Safety Issues With Home Heating Appliances
Exploring the safety issues connected with home heating appliances and how parents can ensure children are kept safe....

Safety Marks: What Do They Mean?
The lowdown on the British safety laws that ensure that all products, from car seats to cots and highchairs to toys, are safe for your child....

Smoke Detectors and Fire Safety
A smoke detector costs less than £5 and by fitting one you more than double your chances of survival in a house fire. Ensure you have a smoke detector, fire…...

Toy Safety for Babies and Children
Toys are safer than ever before yet there are hidden hazards. Here are the things you should consider when buying new toys or receiving secondhand toys....

Using Baby Carriers and Slings Safely
How to choose the right baby carrier or sling for you and your baby, and how to use them safely....