Below are our articles on the subject of Bathroom. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

All About Bed Wetting
Some children who are otherwise potty trained continue to wet the bed at night. Find out what are the causes and the treatment options....

Allergies to Bathing Products
A rising number of children suffer from allergies. Find out why some of the common causes are bubble bath, soaps or sun care lotions and learn how to avoid reactions....

Bath Time Safety for Babies and Children
Every day a child under five is scalded by bath water. Find out how to prevent this from happening and what are the other dangers at bathtime....

Looking After Your Children's Teeth
As parents, we begin caring for our children's teeth from the moment that their first little pearly white emerges. Tips to keep your child's teeth healthy....

Medicines, Toiletries and Children
Medicines result in over 5,000 A&E cases every year to children under 5. Find out how to keep offending objects away from the temptation of tiny hands!...

Potty Training your Child
Tips on potty training your child, including advice on preparation, consistency and rewards. Plus, find out about night-time training too....

Toilets, Potties, Germs and Children
Toilet and potty germs can be transferred easily from children's hands causing stomach disorders or eye infections. So keep the toilet and potty clean and encouraging…...

When to Separate the Sexes?
Many parents wonder when to separate their children according to sex for certain household activities. This article offers basic information about separating children…...