Bedroom & Sleeping...
Below are our articles on the subject of Bedroom & Sleeping. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

All About Bed Wetting
Some children who are otherwise potty trained continue to wet the bed at night. Find out what are the causes and the treatment options....

Bunk Bed Safety
Bunk beds are a convenient and space-saving choice for children, but there are potential dangers that you should be aware of when buying and assembling....

Digital Baby Monitors: Are they Safe?
Children may be more vulnerable from exposure to any form of electro magnetic energy, such as that generated by mobile telephones, and to a degree baby monitors....

Flat Head Syndrome in Babies
Laying babies flat on their backs to sleep, combined with the practice of placing them into car seats for prolonged periods, has increased the instance of flat head…...

Getting Your Baby to Sleep
Advice for parents hoping to get their children to become sound sleepers. Includes realistic expectations for babies newborn through to 18 month olds and beyond....

Is it Ever Safe for Baby to Sleep With You?
Discover the facts about co-sleeping and whether it’s ever safe for your baby to sleep in the bed with you....

Safe Sleeping For Babies
Find out how to help babies sleep safely, including the recommended sleeping position, where your baby should sleep and what not to have in the cot....

Sharing a Bedroom
A look at the practice of sibling sharing a bedroom, including ways to help the kids to get along and respect each other's space and possessions....

Toddler Bed Safety Tips
When is it safe for a toddler to go from a cot to a bed and which is the right bed for my toddler?...

When to Separate the Sexes?
Many parents wonder when to separate their children according to sex for certain household activities. This article offers basic information about separating children…...