Below are our articles on the subject of Health. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Colic in a Breastfed Baby
Discover why colic occurs in breastfed babies, and how changes to the mother's diet can help to prevent this uncomfortable condition....

Cough Medicines and Young Children
There has been some controversy over cough medicine and young children. This article discusses children and coughing, cold treatments for young children and when a…...

Dyspraxia in Children
A look at dyspraxia, a common cause of developmental delay in children, including symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options....

Hearing Problems in Children
A look at hearing loss, both temporary and permanent, in children. Includes ideas for recognising symptoms of hearing impairment and methods of treatment....

Is the Swine Flu Jab Safe for Children?
As parents, it’s only natural to worry about your children’s health and what is best for them so read on and discover the facts about the swine flu vaccine for children....

Lactose Intolerance In Kids
Information about lactose intolerance in children, including symptoms, diagnosis, and diet management....

Minerals for a Healthy Diet
A guide to minerals, macro minerals as well as trace elements. A look at each mineral and its function in the body....

PCBs and Vaccine Dangers
The lingering effects of the PCBs could be diminishing the value of the vaccinations we give our children....

PKU What You Should Know
A look at the causes and the management of PKU (Phenylketonuria) in children, including information about dietary restrictions as well as additional resources....

Symptoms of Meningitis and What to Do
Meningitis is an infection that occurs in the lining around the brain and the spinal cord. Recognising the symptoms could prevent a severe illness or even a fatality....

Vegetarian Diet for Children
A look at raising vegetarian kids, including ideas to ensure that all nutritional needs are met....

Vitamin Facts For Children
An overview of vitamins, their usefulness in the body, and specific foods that contain each. Includes the recommendation to seek professional advice before…...

When is it Safe for Children to Have Ears Pierced?
A look at the safety issues concerning pierced ears and when may be the best time for children to have their ears pierced....