Kite Flying Safety

When you think back on some of the simple pleasures of childhood, what comes to mind? For many of us, it's bike rides, ice cream cones, nature hikes, and flying kites. Families today enjoy much the same things with their children.
Many people love to fly kites, but in the hands of careless people, kites can be dangerous. As with all pastimes, kite flying requires a bit of planning and common sense in order to minimise the chance of accident or injury. Here are few things to keep in mind.
Watch Children
Keep a close eye on children when flying a kite. Never allow them to fly kites without adult supervision and assistance. Even expert flyers can lose control of a kite in unpredictable winds, so caution is always advisable.
Choose a Safe Location
This will minimise the chances of accident or injury. Always fly in large, open areas free from trees and power lines. Many kite lines contain carbon spurs, which are very efficient conductors of electricity, so flying near power lines or radio towers is asking for trouble.To be extra safe, build or purchase kites made from wood, paper, plastic, and natural fabrics. Those made with metallic materials, including aluminium foil and Mylar, increase the chances of electrocution. If you accidentally get any kite caught in power lines, never attempt to dislodge it yourself. For safety's sake, contact the proper authority for assistance.
Avoid flying a kite near public roads
Kites can sometimes behave in an unpredictable manner, even for experienced flyers; you do not want to cause an car accident by disrupting traffic with your kite. Additionally, know that most areas regulate all air traffic near airports, including that from kites.It's a good idea to know the rules before you begin, so check with local authorities regarding not only for permissible areas in which to fly your kite, but also for additional specific regulations. For example, many areas regulate the maximum flying height for kites.
Wear Protective Gear
Protect your skin from scrapes, cuts, and burns caused by kites and kite lines. Long sleeves and trousers are recommended, and gloves are essential. Wind can cause kites to pull dramatically, causing deep cuts to unprotected hands.Watch the Weather
Be aware of the weather forecast in the place you are taking your kits, and avoid flying in stormy weather. Ben Franklin's little experiment may have become world famous, but it could have easily been deadly. Be smart and stay safe.Beware of Animals
Not surprisingly, animals can be frightened by kites. Exercise caution when flying in the Vicinity Of Animals, especially horses. When spooked, horses have a tendency to bolt, putting their riders at risk.Observe your Surrounding
Although it can be exhilarating to run with a soaring kite, be careful about running on rough or rocky terrain and be sure to be watchful of other flyers and observers. If your kite gets tangled with another, slow down and walk with the other flyer, carefully disengaging the kites.So that public areas can be enjoyed by all, mind your manners. Clean up any messes that you make and be sure to properly dispose of your rubbish.
Finally, don't overestimate your expertise. A kite can crash at any time, so be sure that you are fully aware of your surroundings to avoid damaging property or injuring bystanders. Kite flying can be a pleasurable part of your family's activities. Just be sure to follow the rules and use your good judgment.