Out & About...
Below are our articles on the subject of Out & About. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Are Chinese Lanterns Safe?
A look at the safety issues and problems associated with using Chinese or flying sky lanterns....

Baby and Child Car Seat Safety
You can protect your children by using a properly fitted, purpose-made child car seat which meets the current safety standards and is appropriate for your child's…...

Camping Safety Tips
Practical camping safety tips and advice to ensure that everyone in the family enjoys a successful camping trip....

Child and Baby Car Seat Law
Find out the law on child and baby car seat safety regulations, plus tips and advice on keeping your child safe....

Child Cycle Safety: Rob Hayles Appeals
Cycle riding is great exercise and makes for a fun day out but cycling competence and even bicycles can get rusty over the winter time, putting children in danger when…...

Children's Snow and Ice Safety
Most children enjoy the opportunity to play in the snow, especially as it’s something they don’t always see that often in the UK, so we have put together some advice…...

Choosing a Safe Party Venue
Many places hold children's parties, but how do you know they're safe? This article looks at the key issues involved in choosing a safe children's party venue....

Cycle Safety for Children
Child cyclists make up just 6.6% of road cyclists, yet they account for a disproportionate number of accident deaths. What can you do to minimise the risks to your child?...

Driving Safety Tips for Teens
Help, advice and information for teens who’ve recently learnt to drive, and their parents, on driving safety issues....

Farm Visits and Animal Safety
Farm visits can be great fun, but working farms and animals do pose some dangers. Discover how to have an enjoyable visit and keep children safe and sound....

Firework Safety at Home
Fireworks are fun to watch, but can be dangerous, especially for children. Learn how to safely buy and use fireworks and sparklers in your own garden....

Funfair Rides and Carnival Safety
Learn how to keep your children safe at carnivals and fairs, so everyone can have a happy time....

Is There Such a Thing as a Safe Tan?
Comparisons of tanning methods, both natural and artificial. Includes warnings about sun safety as well as recommendations for achieving a safe summer glow....

Is Your Child Safe at Friends' Homes?
Every parent wants their child to have loads of friends. But while we want our kids to feel comfortable visiting friends at their homes, we also need to make sure…...

Jellyfish Stings and How to Deal With Them
Advice and guidance for parents and carers regarding how to deal with children who are stung by jellyfish....

Keeping Children Safe in Pubs and Restaurants
If you’re taking your child to eat out in a pub or restaurant, read our tips and ideas for keeping them safe....

Kite Flying Safety
Kite flying can be a great activity for all the family, but it can be dangerous in the hands of someone careless. Find out how to stay safe when you are flying a kite....

Play Equipment: Safety, Standards and Supervision
There are safety rules and regulations to ensure that playbarns and indoor play areas are as safe as softplay houses. It is also down to parents to ensure that their…...

Railway and Train Safety
Advice, tips and guidance for parents on teaching children about the dangers of railways and train safety....

Road Safety for Child Pedestrians
Keep children safe from road traffic accidents on Britain's roads by teaching them about road safety and ensuring they wear appropriate reflective clothes....

Road Safety for Kids
Advice and information for parents regarding road safety issues for kids....

Safe Boating and Sailing With Children
Safety advice and guidance for families keen to enjoy boating or sailing safely with children....

Safety Tips for Older Children When Out and About
Practical ideas for providing tweens with basic safety tips for when they're out and about....

Skating and Ice Skating Safety
Discover practical advice and tips for keeping kids safe when they're skating or ice skating....

Stroller, Pushchair and Buggy Safety Tips
Whether you are buying a stroller or already have one these tips are worth considering to help ensure your baby's or child's safety....

Sun Safety for Babies and Children
The reason children are so susceptible to the harmful effects of the sun is that their skin is literally thinner the younger they are. Advice on protecting children…...

Surfing and Body Boarding Safety
Advice and guidance for keeping children safe when surfing or body boarding in the sea....

Using Baby Carriers and Slings Safely
How to choose the right baby carrier or sling for you and your baby, and how to use them safely....

Vitamin D And Sun Exposure
We've been warned about the dangers of sun exposure, but in our effort to avoid overexposure to the sun, we have left ourselves vulnerable to other diseases....

Water Safety for Children
Toddlers and children are attracted to water and love to play in it. Unfortunately, they don't understand the dangers of drowning so you have to be their safety…...

What is a Walking Bus?
A look at the Walking Bus and its benefits to children and the community as a whole. Includes tips on starting a Walking Bus program....

Your Child's Personal Safety
It's easy to overreact when you think of that dangerous world out there, but all children need to learn to become confident and independent young people. Here are some…...