Video: How to Cross Safely at Junctions
Video Transcript
Hi, I'm Kerry Ranson and this is Elaine Andrews. We work for Halton Borough Council's Road Safety Unit. We're filming today on behalf of we are filming 'Stepping Out', the third session on 'How to Cross Safely on Junctions'.
Crossing safely now at a junction, so how many ways have we got to look for traffic children? Three ways, that's right, because we have got something here that is called a T-junction. It's like a letter T isn't it, a capital T.
Right, so we have got to look over our shoulder have we? Yes, and then we've got to look right and we've got to look left, and we're looking all around for traffic.
Sometimes there's traffic all around us, isn't there? This is quite a busy road so we're going to step back. Let's just see which way this car's going. She's indicating to turn, she's turning round.
We're going to look over our shoulder and we're going to look right, and we're going to look left. Is it safe to cross? Yes. Then we walk over to the other side and we look and listen all the time for traffic.
Thank you, off we go. It's really busy isn't it today? Just wait for our friends to cross now. We stop at the pavement, we look all around for traffic. We look in all directions and when it's safe to cross we walk straight to the other side in a straight line, not a diagonal line.
Well done and we've crossed safely.
Watch our videos on How To Cross Safely At Parked Cars and How To Find A Safe Place To Cross A Road on this site.