Are there set policies or regulations for nursery schools regarding first aid? My 4 year old son recently had an accident at nursery where he cut his head open.
The nursery didn't phone an ambulance or me – they simply waited until I arrived to pick him up at the normal time! I took him straight to hospital where he had to have his head glued, so the cut was deemed severe enough to warrant treatment. I assumed with head injuries (or similar) that I and/or an ambulance would be contacted immediately?
(K.C, 6 May 2009)
Sorry to hear that your son had an accident at nursery. All nursery schools should have an accident policy in place, which helps staff record accidents that occur and act appropriately to deal with the situation.
The accident policy may vary slightly from nursery to nursery, but in general you should expect the nursery to have at least two members of staff on the premises at all times who are trained in first aid and have an up-to-date First Aid Certificate. It’s usually only the members of staff who hold the certificate who will treat your child.
Details of all accidents should be clearly recorded by the nursery – they will either have accident forms filed away or a special accident record book. All details of the accident are recorded, including the name and address of the child, the name of the person who dealt with the accident, how the accident happened and when it occurred, what injuries the child suffered, details of the first aid administered to the child, and who the accident was reported to (in terms of the management team).
The form or book is subsequently signed by the staff member who did the first aid and dealt with the incident, plus the manager who is informed off the accident. The general procedure for minor accidents is to inform the parent when they arrive to pick up their child and get them to sign the form to record the fact that they’ve been informed. In the case of your son’s accident, it sounds like this may well have been the procedure that was followed.
With more serious accidents, the manager of the nursery would normally be expected to phone the child’s parents as soon as possible and arrange for the child to go to hospital.
As your son suffered a head injury and evidently did need to go to hospital for treatment, it sounds worrying that the nursery didn’t do this. I think you’d be within your rights to ask why this didn’t happen and find out how the accident was dealt with. You should, for example, be able to read a copy of the accident report and discover more about the accident, how it happened and how your child was treated (did he receive any first aid and, if so, what?).
It would also be a good idea, if only for your peace of mind, to clearly find out what the accident procedure is in the nursery your son attends.
My son fell down some stairs at the nursery. But this is the 2nd time it has happened. The first time he went a&e; apart from bruising to his head and face he was okay thank God. Has you can imagine I was not happy. But working with the nursery we managed to sort it out and was happy that staff was given warnings and really trained and gates replaced. But with it happening again I just don't know what to do. He has bruising to his head but a& e said he all good. But what should I do going forward because I now have concerns about the other children there.
Gazhool - 22-Jul-20 @ 2:32 PM
My 4 years old son had an injury of his head in nursery. I took him to hospital when they washed his wound and put some glue. I have concern for the accident and the story which happend in that day. The version of nursery is different then my son. In report they wrote he fall(by running) hitting the corner of the swing giving him a little cut. My son told me in hospital that he fell out from the swing. They miss important information. He was sitting on a swing when it's happend. Injury like back pain and cut back of his head doesn't convince me that he could just fall? In hospital he has been given him a glue so it was not just a hitting by fell? They have no cctv on nursery? Manager was not exactly sure what was happening when I asked about details? I have more doubts becausemy son had a small accident (scratches on face by a child) a few month ago.They haven't done report, they haven't seen anything till my intervention. Can someone give some advise what to do? Where to go to have some justice? I am worry what can happen next time? I do try to explain with manager but it's not going well. Thanks
Senay - 16-May-20 @ 6:34 AM
I really need some help or advice as I don’t know where to start! My 2 year old son was In pre school I got a phone call from his teacher that he had a fall so I’ve gone to the school I turned up his leg was swelled 3 x the size they told me a child had pushed him over (a child that has previously done this) they said they would be havin a serious meeting with the child’s mother as this wasn’t the 1st time. They asked me to sign the accident report which I did but they couldn’t give me a copy as they needed it and told me to get the hospital to ring them if needs be. Took him to A&e; and they told me he’d snapped his fema bone (thigh bone) he ended up having morphine and being put on a traction for over a week. He now has a hip spica cast. The doctors asked me why wasn’t an ambulance rang. I spoke with the teacher the next day of the accident as she rang me 5 x and she also rang me health visitor ... she quickly changed her story when I told her what happened to Frankie and a week later when I asked my mum to collect his things from the nursery including the accident report. They have now changed the accident report to one that I haven’t signed which now says he fell over but says that he told them he was pushed afterwards (baring in mind when I got there he was hysterically screaming In pain so I doubt he would of got up and said a child pushed him ) they said that the witness didn’t see him pushed but fell with one leg forward one leg would they have known that if they didn’t c it happen?I asked them why they have changed the report and they are telling me now I didn’t sign one. All this stress and he’s now having to have a possible operation this week as the bone hasn’t healed correctly. The department of education told me not to bother complaining to ofsted as they don’t do anything.The pre school have no complaints procedure on there website to follow the next process. I’m just really stuck on where to start or who to report them too... I’d be really grateful for someone’s help. Thanks
Milly - 4-Nov-18 @ 11:35 PM
My 3 year old son went to nursery today, after he finished his half a day there he came out with a mark under his right eye, (a little swollen) when asked what had happened the teachers said “they wasn’t sure how it happened, they didn’t see him do it” what action do I take with this? I’m hoping the mark doesn’t bruise and cause a black eye!
Chlo - 8-Oct-18 @ 2:53 PM
My 2 year old had an accident at nursery last week and lost a tooth with his upper lip injured too. We (my wife and I) were never called to report what had happened until I went to get him at 6pm. When I asked what happened they said he fell backwards and moment later they discovered he might have bit his lip and also discovered he lost his tooth. They never rang us or the emergency services for him to be properly checked out. When I picked him up I rang nhs111 and explained the situation. They immediately sent out an ambulance to check him out and also referred the nursery to. Hold services. He still had some blood coming out of his mouth. Thanks fully he was ok and I was able to speak to a dentist.
The nursery manager rang me the next day to say they were going to investigate it internally with the cctv footages. A week and a half later my wife and I were invited to hear the report of the investigations. We were told exactly the same thing as before that he fell backwards and that the footages did not show when he injured his mouth or lost his tooth but they accepted they did not make the right calls once they discovered he lost his tooth and have taken internal action and this is their closure. I’ve also asked to see the footage and was told it no longer exists. I’m completely shocked that they cannot tell me how he injured his lip and lost a tooth. What do I do as we need to find some closure on this?
Chinny - 22-Aug-18 @ 8:39 AM
@shuziq - you would have to check whether you have signed a disclaimer (which you probably have). That means the club can absolve themselves of any responsibility.
SeaN - 10-Aug-18 @ 3:29 PM
I sent my children to a Club, runs between 8.30 to 4.30. I recieved a call from the club manager at 12.25pm that my youngest one had a fall and injuried his arm. I went to the Club to check on his injuires and decided to take him to the local A&E.; The X ray came back and he has broken his left wrisk.
Which means he will not be able to attend his other weekly paid classes for at least 6weeks. That is quite a lot of money.
The club was doing an activity called "Defence"-proctecting teams obtain a bean bag from the attacking team.Generally children will do different activities according to their age, but this activity was a mix age activity, so children between 5-11 could all play. The Club manager claimed that no one saw how the incident happened but one girl witnessed it and said he (my boy) fell off by himself. I asked my boy (aged 6), he said the girl who claimed herself the witness was attacking him and made him fall over and caused him injuries. My boy identified the girl and to my suprised that she is very big for a 11. Or is she 11 at all?
Apart from the broken wrisk he has other minor injuries on his left leg and arm.
The manager denied any responsibilities , claimed that this is a general playground injury and an unfortunated situation. He would only refund us the payment for the day.
I felt so fruatrated. I only put the boys there for a day so I can get some rest then ended up dealing with these horriable things.
I wonder whether I have a case against the Club.
shuziq - 8-Aug-18 @ 6:11 PM
My 4 year old son had an accident in nursery today. He was throwing a soft toy in the air and it hit the double fluorescent tube cover (about meter long) which then fell from the ceiling and hit his head causing a bump and two cuts on his forehead. The nursery teacher were very apologetic. My husband called nursery manager who was very dismissive and said that those lamp covers just click on (so theyeasy to take off to change the bulb) and my boy must have hit it where the fixing is, that is why it fell. The accident happen in a play room where children play will all sorts of toys like balls etc. Should the lamps be securely fitted? Not sure what to do now?
Evy - 20-Jul-18 @ 4:13 PM
My daughter had her second day at nursery at 9 months old. She has no marks on her head and very short hair. When I picked her up I noticed a very red mark on her head and asked what had happened. They asked all the staff and told me they thought it was a birthmark as they noticed it in the morning and she hasn't fallen or cried all day.
Now I know the mark was not there in the morning and something must have happened at nursery but they are denying it. What can I do? She must have had a bump and whoever was there is clearly covering it up.
LauraS1234 - 21-Feb-18 @ 4:22 PM
@Niki - easy - don't take her back to the nursery. Kids will play and fight and injuries are bound to happen, but the staff should be looking out for your kid and if they are not, then I'd refuse to send her.
AimeeNM - 5-Feb-18 @ 2:27 PM
My 11 monthold baby was beatenby anotherchild in her nursery.She was beaten at the sametimethreetimes.Her littlearm is now black from the beaten.Iam so afraidto take her to the nursery, Please someone adviceme
Niki - 3-Feb-18 @ 9:23 PM my 1y and 9 months son had an accident at the nursery... he flipt on a toy and hit his is a really bad scar..the skin just split in 2..i took him to the hospital they glue it but 3 hour later the skin split is someone who can please give me an advise were to go or what to do for a claim or something.thank yoj
Carmen - 22-Jan-18 @ 9:43 PM
adam - 4-Jul-17 @ 10:01 PM
My daughter noticed my 4 year old grandson had a black eye when she arrived to pick him up, when she asked how it happened, they hadn't got a clue. , this is a small nursery, so I'm a little angry at the fact they don't know what happened I'd like to know who I speak to to report this nursery, he's come home a few times with things that's happened to him, this is the last straw, I need to report this place
Shelly - 12-Jun-17 @ 3:53 PM
Hi my son was playing outside at nursery and he feel on a wooden planter and caught the corner of his eye socket on the corner of the wooden planter. The nurses cleaned the cut and placed a cold compress onto this. He then had cuddle and went off to play. My stepdaughter picked him up and was given the accident form that did not a lot. My sons eye bruised straight away and was swollen by the next morning eye half open, I took him to the doctor for a check up but nothing serious. I am so angry the nursery did not call me. I went to see the nursery manager the next morning but she did not know. She advised they put the large planters there. The investigation came back that the garden couldn't be 100% child proof but she agreed to move them against a fence, also claiming as not deep cut the action was correct and as he let them treated him and calmed down straight away the staff thought it was all ok and no need to call parent as they did not think it was warranted. Even though the bruises were there and and the sweeplling so another member of staff told me. Should they have a policy about calling parents if a head injury of any sort?
Lilly - 11-May-17 @ 8:53 PM
A member of staff at my sons nursery was blowing bubbles which my son was chasing and trying to catch hes 3 yrs old. Whilst chasing a bubble he bumped into another child and hurt his mouth. Upon collection staff told his mother stating he had blood in the bottom of his mouth and gave a cold compress. My son was irratable all night and upon inspecting his mouth we found his two top front teeth were near enough halved .the nursery say they didnt see this injury so never phoned us or sought medical advice..i think they have been negligent??
Gapz - 6-Apr-17 @ 8:31 AM
My daughter have accident today in nursery they call me to tell kid push her and she bump her head on floors in playground area and her head is bleading. In her head is big cut I not understand how kid 3 years old have to be strong enaught to push so hard, so I take her home she looked fine but in night she start cry telling hurt her head and ears so we call ambulance and they ask me to bring her in hospital so my husband now is in hospital and I waiting home to hear or she alright or she have big head injury.
monika891 - 22-Mar-17 @ 2:38 AM
Stones - Your Question:
My grand daughter swallowed 63 glass stones at nursery over a period of a week. The school informed me that she may have swallowed one, but we're unaware that she had swallowed a lot. Took her to hospital after the first 9 came out of her poo, doctor advised to bring her back after my gran daughter stops excreted them out. When I came back to the hospital and showed them how many she pooed out. They didn't believe me. Please advice. School is negligent
Our Response:
You would have to seel legal advice if you wish to claim for negligence.
SafeKids - 22-Feb-17 @ 2:04 PM
My grand daughterswallowed63 glass stonesat nursery over a period of a week. The school informed me that she may have swallowed one, but we're unaware that she had swallowed a lot.Took her to hospital after the first 9 came out of her poo, doctor advised to bring her back after my gran daughter stops excreted them out.When i came back to the hospital and showed them how many she pooed out. They didn't believe me. Please advice. School is negligent
Stones - 21-Feb-17 @ 11:29 PM
I have several question's in relation to my child's nursery he has sustained 3 head injuries in the last 3 months all 3 caused by another child, on one occasion i was told the children had collided until my son got home and told me no he was pushed which resulted in him banging his head of a table I apprached his teacher the next day who then admitted the truth so I was lied to! Also I may add that on 3 occasions I was never contacted,then today he was pushed into a chairwhich then resulted in him banging his head on a concrete floor, teachers said theyTHINK they were playingchase yet my son again tells me different,then the other day came home covered in faeces as he didn't get his bottom wiped after going to the toilet he is 3 years old is this is unnaceptable, they have followed the accident form policy but still feel within my rights to be extremely angry and upset by this and would love some expert advise if possible x
Concernedmummy - 19-Jan-17 @ 5:35 PM
Can a nursery staff member contact a health visitor about a child with eczema, before contacting the parents, can the nursery staff do this
ed - 16-Jan-17 @ 4:16 PM
My daughter had a bad fall at nursery yesterday. They called me to say she may need to go to a&e; as her head was bleeding pretty bad. I got there and told them to call an ambulance. Paramedics came and couldn't treat at scene as was to deep. It was full thickness, down to skull.. 5cms long and 3mm wide. She needed to be sedated for internal stitches plus 7 external stitches... My daughter insists the floor was wet where nursery say she tripped. She is only 3 , but I'm not sure what to do now. Do I need to contact someone to investigate etc?
westy - 24-Dec-16 @ 5:38 PM
@Rosie - you would have to speak to a solicitor, there are plenty of them around that are happy to jump on cases such as this. But if your son is unharmed and the nursery did all it should under the circumstances, then you may not get much in the way of financial recompense. Libby.
EJH - 19-Oct-16 @ 10:00 AM
I had a call just after lunch time to say my 2 year old son had been in an incident where he had put a plastic cup in a mop bucket of dirty water and chemical and drunk it. They said they had called the ambulance but that my son looked fine. I got to the nursery before the ambulance and got my baby to the hospital (with the ambulance crew). I am so angry that this happened. Its one thing to be constantly complaining that my son is never in a clean nappy... but dirty mop water containing chemicals and bacteria! He was checked out at the hospital and was discharged after a few hrs.
I'm still waiting to find out why the bucket of water was unattended in a room filled with 2 yr olds. I cant send my child back there now as there is serious neglect issues here. Do I have any grounds to make them pay for what they did? or didn't do!!
Rosie - 18-Oct-16 @ 5:13 AM
Hi,my 2 year old son hurt his palm at the kinderGaten yesterday. The teachers were telling us that they were teaching them how to pick their plates after eating,so my son was holding a glass plate taking it to the table when he fell and landed on a broken plate,which cut his palm really bad close to the ring finger,so they took him to the ER. And then they called us,we went down there and saw our sons palm was very bad hurt with a deep cut,so now the doctor could not do any stitches before they do a surgery on him to find if the tendons are not affected so as this would not be good in the future because he won't be able to grasp or move his finger. So I am trying to wonder if this kind of accident is really necessary or they were not watching over him when he was trying to walk with a glass plate that he ended up falling,and if it's normal for kids at this age to be allowed to use glassware without any attention.
Sarah J - 4-Oct-16 @ 1:51 PM
Flowerpower89 - Your Question:
My son aged 2 took a bang to the side of the head above his left ear with another child as they went for the same toy. Both boys where very upset and it generally takes a lot for my little lad to cry. Apparently the other boy had a fairly big red mark on his forehead. I am happy to say the correct procedures where taken but I'm not happy that they didn't phone me up right away. He came out of nursery still upset and pale looking, luckily he had a day at home the next day but was still pale looking and he wanted to nap which he normally doesn't do. The 2nd day after the bump he was still pale looking but it was now been sick with it, I had to keep him at home. should the school of informed me right away?
Our Response:
As specified in the article, the general procedure for 'minor' accidents is to inform the parent when they arrive to pick up their child and get them to sign the form to record the fact that they’ve been informed. With more serious accidents, the manager of the nursery would normally be expected to phone the child’s parents as soon as possible and arrange for the child to go to hospital. As there was no obvious injury, you can only speak with the nursery directly, but it sounds like they have followed the correct procedure.
SafeKids - 3-Oct-16 @ 11:18 AM
My son aged 2 took a bang to the side of the head above his left ear with another child as they went for the same toy. Both boys where very upset and it generally takes a lot for my little lad to cry. Apparently the other boy had a fairly big red mark on his forehead. I am happy to say the correct procedures where taken but I'm not happy that they didn't phone me up right away. He came out of nursery still upset and pale looking, luckily he had a day at home the next day but was still pale looking and he wanted to nap which he normally doesn't do. The 2nd day after the bump he was still pale looking but it was now been sick with it, I had to keep him at home.. should the school of informed me right away?
Flowerpower89 - 2-Oct-16 @ 6:24 AM
What do I do if I strongly believe that my 9 months baby boy broke his wrist whilst at the nursery? I talked to staff the day after the incident, but they denied being aware of it and only wrote a report about it. Felt that they just wanted to wash their hands, and I'm left with an injured baby and not feeling that he is safe in that nursery, because they're may not be telling me the truth... Please help
Canela - 3-Sep-16 @ 8:58 PM
Worriedbubby - Your Question:
Yesterday I got a phone call from my little ones nursery to say he had fallen off a bike and hit his mouth on the climbing frame side ways! As the cold compress when on his mouth his top tooth fell out and the other one was twisted! I took him to a&e; and they couldn't put the tooth back in and they had to take him to theatre to take the twisted one out! I now have a 2 year old with his top front teeth missing and a very sore mouth! What do I do?!
Our Response:
I'm not quite sure of your question regarding 'what do I do?' Obviously, you have done the right thing by taking your child to the hospital for treatment and hopefully the nursery acted in accordance with its accident guidelines. Falls at nursery school can be frequent while our unsteady but curious children are still trying to find their feet. Fortunately, most of these accidents cause no more damage other than a few tears or bruises. However, sometimes more serious accidents can happen, which in your case your son has lost his teeth. If you think this accident was the result someone else’s negligence at the nursery then you should look into taking the matter further. As specified in the article, you should be able to read a copy of the accident report and discover more about the accident, how it happened and how your child was treated etc in order to allow you to make an informed decision regarding whether you wish to pursue a claim.
SafeKids - 18-Aug-16 @ 10:18 AM
Yesterday I got a phone call from my little ones nursery to say he had fallen off a bike and hit his mouth on the climbing frame side ways! As the cold compress when on his mouth his top tooth fell out and the other one was twisted! I took him to a&e; and they couldn't put the tooth back in and they had to take him to theatre to take the twisted one out! I now have a 2 year old with his top front teeth missing and a very sore mouth! What do I do?!